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Eagledale Little League

Eagledale Little League

Eagledale Little League Divisions


Pee Wee- Ages 4 and 5 - Players learn the basic mechanics of baseball by learning how to hit off a tee, throwing and catching and running the bases. Score is not kept in this division.  

A Rookie Baseball- Ages 6 and 7 - This division is coach pitch only.

AA Baseball- Ages 7 and 8 -  This division is modified player pitch. The players will begin pitching in this division but there are no walks. Once the batter has 4 balls on him or her the coach will deliver 3 pitches. 7 year olds in this division should have played one year of A division Baseball.

AAA Baseball - Ages 9-12 - This division is complete player pitch. Regular minor baseball rules apply.

Major Baseball (Little League) - Ages 10-12 - This division is played on the regulation Little League diamond. All regular Little League baseball rules apply. This is a more advanced division and players are selected by coaches to this division based on skills shown in Evaluations.  

Junior-BaseballAges 13-14 - This division is played on a High School size field. Junior Baseball begins in May.

- Ages 15-16 - This division is played on a High School size field. Senior Baseball begins in May.


Minor-Softball - Ages 8-12 - Players will learn the fundamentals of softball. This is player pitch.

Major-Softball - Ages 10-12 - This is a more advanced division of softball and players are selected by coaches to this division based on skills shown in Evaluations.  


Eagledale Little League
5700 W 30th Street, Mailing Address: PO Box 53588 Indianapolis IN 46253
Indianapolis, Indiana 46224

Phone: 317-762-6299
Email: [email protected]

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